Thanks to dietitian Fiona Florakx for her extensive literature search. Allen DH, Van Nunen S, Loblay R, Clarke, L. Adverse reactions to food. The Medical Journal of Australia 1984; Sept; Special supplement : S37-S42. Provides documentation of amine exclusion as part of elimination diet in Australia in 1984 Breakey J. Dietary management of the hyperkinetic syndrome. 1977 Brisbane Yeast extracts, tomatoes excluded re histamines as well as chocolate; and overripe … [Read more...]
Diet & ADHD summary for parents
Many people have very strong views about the role of diet in ADD and ADHD. Some are positive and some are vehement there is no connection! It is important that whatever your interest or involvement with ADD you are well informed about where diet fits in. People reading this may be - people using diet - they know diet has some role and want to manage it better; people who wonder if they should consider diet - they want to know how to decide; and those who think diet is not for them, or … [Read more...]