Question: Hi, I have a problem but don’t know if I have the same allergy as I only find I get the problem with raw cheese., even before I have had one chew on it I become red in the face and my face goes very hot. Could you please tell me if it could be an allergy to Tyramine or do you think I should go on looking.I have not really noticed it with anything else except alcohol. I would be grateful for any help you can give me. Many thanks, June Joan's answer: Your reaction is very interesting … [Read more...]
Question from Chiara
Question: This site is exciting for me to discover. I recently diagnosed myself with tyramine sensitivity, which I may have had for months or years. My main symptom was moodiness. This was virtually impossible to connect with diet until I started keeping a food diary after a particularly strange and sudden onset. One day I was talking to my husband and became extremely angry, for no reason. It felt like someone had turned a switch in my brain and was flooding it with “mad.” As a scientist, I … [Read more...]