- ADHD children & adults
- ADHD controversy
- ADHD diet background
- Diet & ADHD research
- Diet & ADHD summary for parents
- Diet can aggravate behaviour and learning problems
- Findings from 500 families using diet
- Gaps in Diet and ADHD research
- Review: "Fast Minds: How to Thrive If You Have ADHD (Or Think You Might)" by Surman and Bilkey
- Review: "Fast Minds" and Diet
- Underweight is often a problem
- What's become of the Feingold diet?
- Babies food gourmets who can't talk
- Baby fragile but no medical problem
- Children eating well is not easy
- Eating development
- Feeding problems or baby's crying
- Introducing foods to a fussy baby
- Review: "Baby-Led Weaning" by Gill Rapley & Tracey Murkett
- Review: "Breastfeeding and Food Sensitivity" by Joy Anderson
- "Toughen up!" Feeling pain
- Allergy hypochondriacs
- Biscuit ingredients and tolerance
- Blood sugar level and food sensitivity
- Books or comments for you?
- Can cinnamon cause toxic reactions?
- Coffee
- Food sensitivity problems can be complex
- Give yourself an update
- Is yeast connected to IBS and bleeding gums?
- Managing your diet at Christmas
- Smell of water can be a problem
- Tummy aches, gut problems, joints and limb pains, gut spasm, anxiety
- A Food Sensitivity Course
- Abstract: food tolerance in infants
- Coeliac Disease book right for you
- Differences between RPAH Elimination Diet and the Diet Detective Approach
- Evidence base for food sensitivity
- First diet study 1977
- Food chemical sensitivity disappearing?
- Genes & environment
- History of Joan's diet & ADHD work
- Is FI an inborn error of metabolism?
- Is review of low chemical diet evidence useful?
- Is the diet right yet?
- Joan Breakey Masters Abstract
- Mood: the role of diet
- Publications by Joan 1977-2012
- Published report 500 families 1991
- RACP submission on diet & ADHD
- Randomised trials not the only way
- Review article: The role of diet
- What causes food reactions
- Your Diet for Your IBS
- Allergy can happen with food sensitivity
- Commercial Foods List
- Development of thinking
- Diet Detective Method
- Diet for Candida
- Diet recommended is not useful
- Downside to needing diet
- Family Sensitivity History
- Fastest way to your own diet
- Food intolerance exists
- Food Intolerance happens in older people too
- Getting to your own baseline diet is hard
- Grief Reaction to symptoms
- Gut bacteria: how much do we know about our microbiome?
- How are our eggs coloured
- Individualising diet investigation
- Liked foods can be tested
- Low Chemical Diet using Diet Detective Method
- Managing your diet during COVID-19
- Mood the role of diet
- Patient-Centred Diamond Plan
- Probiotics and Prebiotics
- Quality of life and needing a diet
- Recovering from Christmas symptoms
- Revised Are You Food Sensitive?
- Sport, does red cordial increase speed?
- Symptoms food sensitive people may have
- Testing food at Christmas
- Thinking about cures
- Which elimination diet?
- You are a foodie when investigating diet
- Atrial fibrillation, fermented foods, tyramine reaction
- Bad breath is distressing
- Burp relief for unusual symptoms
- Chronic Ear Aches
- Chronic Fatigue and food sensitivity
- Eosinophilic Oesophagitis responds to low chemical diet
- Frequent Thrush Infections
- High Blood Pressure & Diet
- High blood pressure caused by food
- High BP with perfumes
- Managing diet better New Year's resolution
- Mood changes and diet
- Nausea
- Nausea and vertigo
- Pain as a symptom
- Rash around the mouth
- Sleep problems can be important symptoms
- Smelly poo
- Supersensitivity in Food Sensitive People
- Symptoms food sensitive people may have
- Temperature sensitivity is no joke!
- Underarm odour research