If you know anyone who is breastfeeding you should know about Joy Anderson’s new book “Food-Sensitive Babies: Dietary Investigation for Breastfed Babies”. Many issues that breastfeeding mothers want to understand are covered in this book.
Joy covers low milk supply and oversupply, the new thinking about tongue-tie, and all aspects of lactose intolerance. She looks at allergies, tests, management, and if allergies can be prevented. Much of the book provides a good overview of food chemical intolerance. This is still a controversial topic and a real worry for breastfeeding mothers who may not get general support for wanting to consider this possibility. They may have attended to all else but baby is still distressed. Joy provides an explanation that is not too science-y for parents but with the new research for the dietitians who want that detail.
In looking at many topics, including how FODMAPS may affect baby having wind problems, she considers the new direction that research is taking: an awareness of what is happening in the gut bacteria, the biome, and how it might be impacting on how the immune system functions, with more research needed. She goes through the process of diet investigation: from the baby’s story, the initial elimination diet, challenges and liberalising the diet.
The important reason for you to have this book is to obtain Joy’s understanding of all the little and big problems that breastfeeding mothers wonder about or have to deal with, particularly with regard to feeding. Joy has appreciation of how it must feel for a baby coping with the world outside the womb, and she is sympathetic, reassuring and problem-solving for mums. For detail of the book’s contents and to obtain a copy see http://www.dieteticsandlactation.com.au.
As a dietitian who has spent her career investigating food-chemical sensitivity, I think I have met hundreds of mothers who said they wished someone had told them much earlier that food-chemical sensitivity may have been causing their child’s symptoms. This book does that with enough detail to allow parents to go through the process so food-sensitive children are helped early.
Joan Breakey
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