A reader recently asked me about rosacea outbreaks and food.
I gather that rosacea is a distressing condition of reddening and change in the skin on the face. It is known to come on with different factors. The one most cited is alcohol, but there are others.
I can let you know that I have not seen it in any food sensitive people. But in a way finding out what may make a difference is diet detective work too. You may even have to do it backwards such as excluding foods you may suspect such as spice, for a month and then put them back and see if that makes any difference. The trouble is that it may take a month for the skin to go wrong and a month to come good.
I am sorry I cannot be more help but I can say that 50 years ago no one thought that the low chemical diet was useful so I support you in your investigation. You do need to follow up all medical options as I am sure you have done. Do work with an Accredited Practicing Dietitian while investigating diet so you do not affect your nutrition while following your own inituition.
I wish you the assertive energy for the long haul you have ahead but do believe in yourself through the process.
it’s all about inflammation. The higher histamine foods plays a role in this
The tricky thing is that each food-sensitive person reacts to different food chemicals, and even usually ok foods, as D’anah has, or even when people know they are sensitive to some amine containing foods,they tolerate others. It is worth reading Toleratig Troublesome Foods to learn about the many factors that affect whether you will react on a perticular occasion. It is hard but important to keep an open attitude to each food trial so you learn most about yourself. Joan
Thanks, Joan!
Am finding it a hard road. As you say, it takes SO long to recover from a “set-back”. Have found some foods and drinks that make it worse/flare up. For example, coffee, potatoes, sweet potato, pumpkin. That is what have found SO FAR.
Thanks for your books and your openness to learn and share on this hard journey. Greatly appreciated!