If you feel it is time you expanded your knowledge on food sensitivity there is an easy way! And you can choose what you want to know more about. You can decide from over 70 Articles to understand more of what you need to help your own understanding. Just one click will give you the overview https://foodintolerancepro.com/articles/ and then you open what interests you.
See ‘What’s smell got to do with it?’ Smell is as important as any of the suspect food chemicals. Is the diet right yet? Helps you realize that the diet has developed over many years. ADHD – ‘Findings from 500 families using diet’ including the level of strictness needed for concentration is greater than to improve behaviour; ‘Genes and the environment’ which tells you who are most likely to respond to diet; ‘Symptoms food sensitive people have’ provides a long list of the usual and even the very unusual symptoms food sensitive people say respond to diet. ‘Tyramine intolerance’ leads you to the wide variety and severity of some reactions to amines. ‘Pain as a symptom of food intolerance’ addresses the idea that different people with the same symptom can have very different amounts of pain. ‘Which Diet should you start with?’ reminds you of the need to start your diet investigation where it will be most useful. Are you FODMAPS or food chemical intolerant? helps give you direction as to which diet will help you with IBS, or is it both? ‘Chronic Daily Headaches’ reassures you that headaches can and should be investigated as importantly as the more recognised migraine.
You can look at the many headings on the Articles page and choose what interests you. Happy Easter reading!
Thankyou Joan for the guidance and reminder of just how much information you have made available to us to learn from…as I type I have yet another odd symptom of congestion in my neck and throat after amines (Easter choc binge!)…time to clear out and re start my special diet…will bereading the article on “which diet” first!
Thank you for taking the time to say thanks for my work for food sensitivity. And thanks also for describing what I am now calling a less-often-expressed symptom. One day I will go through my blogs to write out the many less-often-expressed symptoms to add to the more-often-expressed symptoms I have in the Article on Symptoms. I do have many in Tolerating Troublesome Foods in the chapter on “What to expect when you are reacting”. Above all believe in yourself in accepting that you can have unusual symptoms. All the best with your restart diet. it is much easier the second time around as you know the effort will have a happy ending! Joan