I am writing to let you know about my latest book Your Diet for Your IBS. It is now there to help you if you have IBS, and you can share it with all your contacts who may have IBS or know people who do. Most people who put up with various discomforts with their IBS often wonder if diet has a role. Often they try to juggle changing foods with little support. Their symptoms are real. They are often not taken seriously. Now there is a step-by-step book to help. I have written this book with my dedicated co-author Ashleigh Jones. Together we have 50 years of knowledge of food sensitivity including how it can help with IBS.
The book can be purchased in a way that suits you:-
Your Diet for Your IBS – A step-by-step guide Everyone is different, use this book to find your own best diet. Costs Via Kindle read only $7.68.00 https://www.amazon.com.au/Your-Diet-IBS-step-step-ebook/dp/B0859WG2GS/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1583637679&refinements=p_27%3AJoan+Breakey&s=digital-text&sr=1-1 From my website https://foodintolerancepro.com/product/your-diet-for-your-ibs-ebook/ You can choose to purchase the book as a PDF for $15 and print pages that suit you, or buy your own hard copy for $30 to anywhere in Australia. www.FoodIntolerancePro.com |
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