The following guidelines are provided where amines, particularly tyramine, are suspect in headaches, migraines or other food sensitivity symptoms. Amines should not be the only exclusions since where they cause reactions other food chemicals are also likely to also be a problem. These include additive colours, flavours, preservatives, monosodium glutamate, and natural salicylates. So diet investigation should begin with a low chemical elimination diet such as that outlined in Are You Food … [Read more...]
Question from Victor
Question: I’m so happy to have found this site and your comments as I have been suffering from a similar problem, which I have since diagnosed as a Tyramine sensitivity. On many occasions after drinking two glasses of red wine in the evening I am awakened 3-4 hours later with a rapid heartbeat and increased blood pressure, unable to sleep. I’ve also noticed that I’ve had negative mood swings on some of these evenings. At first I chalked it up to simply drinking too much, but then realized that … [Read more...]
Question from Chiara
Question: This site is exciting for me to discover. I recently diagnosed myself with tyramine sensitivity, which I may have had for months or years. My main symptom was moodiness. This was virtually impossible to connect with diet until I started keeping a food diary after a particularly strange and sudden onset. One day I was talking to my husband and became extremely angry, for no reason. It felt like someone had turned a switch in my brain and was flooding it with “mad.” As a scientist, I … [Read more...]