Question: I’m so happy to have found this site and your comments as I have been suffering from a similar problem, which I have since diagnosed as a Tyramine sensitivity. On many occasions after drinking two glasses of red wine in the evening I am awakened 3-4 hours later with a rapid heartbeat and increased blood pressure, unable to sleep. I’ve also noticed that I’ve had negative mood swings on some of these evenings. At first I chalked it up to simply drinking too much, but then realized that … [Read more...]
Amines in food that cause migraine
Amines are a group of chemicals that often cause reactions in food sensitive people with migraines. The interesting thing is that they can also aggravate chronic daily headaches, IBS [Irritable Bowel Syndrome], ADHD, and other symptoms. The amines that most often cause reactions include tyramine, phenyl ethyl amine, tryptamine, 5-hydroxyamine, histamine, and those which you would be right if you suspect they are increased as food spoils: putrascine and cadaverine. Is there one migraine diet? No. … [Read more...]