The aim of this workshop was : To give you a treatment pathway that enables you to practice with confidence. How do we do this with current evidence available? Research Evidence + Clinical Practice = Better Practice Separating the black & white from the grey Download the Infant Feeding workshop (PDF, 1.2 MB) Presented at DAA conference May 2011 by Joan Breakey Specialist Food Sensitivity Dietitian … [Read more...]
Blood sugar level and food sensitivity
Q: Have you noticed any relationship between food sensitivity and raised blood sugar? And is there a reduction in blood sugars once the food sensitivities have been investigated and managed? Does blood sugar improve for those who manage their fructose and lactose and intolerance well? A: These are interesting questions. I will try and help your thinking by letting you know where blood glucose levels (BGLs) fitted into care in food sensitive people. Because I first worked with hyperactive … [Read more...]
Food Intolerance exists !
What is food intolerance? It is the name we give any adverse reaction to a food or food additive that is not due to an allergy. Food intolerance is the body’s reaction to various chemicals in food such that an adverse reaction occurs. Reactions occur in a variety of parts of the body. We can say that food sensitivity is a multisystem disorder. This means that the symptoms can occur in any of the body systems: whether the skin, the lungs, the digestive system or others. Target organ … [Read more...]
Elimination diet and the Diet Detective process in practice
Dear Joan, I bought the Professional's Food Sensitivity Pack online recently. Prior to buying the manual I bought a 21 Day Holistic Detox and followed the diet in that. It made a huge difference to my moods, headaches, energy levels and mouth ulcers. After that I sought an evidence-based elimination diet and came across your resources. I am no longer on the original detox diet (not consistently anyway). I obviously already know that elimination of certain foods make a big difference to me. … [Read more...]
Development of thinking in food chemical intolerance
Development of thinking in food chemical intolerance – 1975 to 2005 Joan Breakey Presentation to the Dietitians Association of Australia 2006 Many people think that the role of additives and other food chemicals in conditions such as hyperactivity is confusing. This is reasonable as the claims, the research, and information available have all changed over time. Clear proof of a link between diet and attention deficit disorder [ADHD] was a long time coming, and not neat and tidy, … [Read more...]
Food additives that cause reactions
What are the food additives and natural chemicals considered suspect in Australia, UK, USA, and Canadian research? Artificial colours, flavours, preservatives, some added natural colours, as well as naturally occurring salicylates, amines and monosodium glutamate. Many researchers exclude perfumes. Here I want to share some findings about added colours and flavours from over 20 years of practice in this area. The detail is presented in my thesis and in my book “Are you food sensitive?” I … [Read more...]
Chronic daily headaches and diet
Diet can have a role in chronic daily headaches in food intolerance. The diet is not a neat and tidy list of foods. What is right for a particular person can be clarified with diet investigation using the diet detective process which allows each person to develop their own diet. This can be part of the natural cures for headaches. The foods that contribute to the headaches are somewhat different in different people. To make it more complex there are no tests to show which foods may … [Read more...]