Dear Joan, I bought the Professional's Food Sensitivity Pack online recently. Prior to buying the manual I bought a 21 Day Holistic Detox and followed the diet in that. It made a huge difference to my moods, headaches, energy levels and mouth ulcers. After that I sought an evidence-based elimination diet and came across your resources. I am no longer on the original detox diet (not consistently anyway). I obviously already know that elimination of certain foods make a big difference to me. … [Read more...]
Development of thinking in food chemical intolerance
Development of thinking in food chemical intolerance – 1975 to 2005 Joan Breakey Presentation to the Dietitians Association of Australia 2006 Many people think that the role of additives and other food chemicals in conditions such as hyperactivity is confusing. This is reasonable as the claims, the research, and information available have all changed over time. Clear proof of a link between diet and attention deficit disorder [ADHD] was a long time coming, and not neat and tidy, … [Read more...]