If your baby has reflux it changes everything! Symptoms can range from your baby bringing up milk after ever feed, but more of it, to the so-called “happy chucker” who does reflux but is not crying and thrives well, through to a very distressed baby who does not feed or sleep well, and cannot be comforted easily. On top of that you may have to deal with colic, diarrhoea, or eczema as well. You will have talked about it to relations and fiends, and had many visits to the doctor, particularly to … [Read more...]
Reflux Reality: a guide for families
Book review - REFLUX REALITY A GUIDE FOR FAMILIES by Glenda Branch in Association with the Reflux Infants Support Association (RISA) Reflux in an infant is a surprise when it happens. Usually it is an unpleasant, even overwhelming, surprise. Very few of us expect our baby to have reflux. So dealing with it is not part of normal skills or information everybody has. So putting much of the information in one book is a blessing for those who have to go through a rapid learning curve, either … [Read more...]