The following guidelines are provided where amines, particularly tyramine, are suspect in headaches, migraines or other food sensitivity symptoms. Amines should not be the only exclusions since where they cause reactions other food chemicals are also likely to also be a problem. These include additive colours, flavours, preservatives, monosodium glutamate, and natural salicylates. So diet investigation should begin with a low chemical elimination diet such as that outlined in Are You Food … [Read more...]
Question from Kelly
Question: I’ve found this site really interesting. I think I have a tyramine sensitivity, but I have never met anyone with the exact symptoms as me. After eating something high in Tyramines, I wake up in a confused state from sleeping. I am panicked, my heart is racing and it takes about 5-10 minutes for me to get back to reality. I’ve worked out that figs, aubergines, over ripe bananas, gravy powder are dangerous for me, and I am still learning what else is. It is very frightening waking up in … [Read more...]
Diet & ADHD summary for parents
Many people have very strong views about the role of diet in ADD and ADHD. Some are positive and some are vehement there is no connection! It is important that whatever your interest or involvement with ADD you are well informed about where diet fits in. People reading this may be - people using diet - they know diet has some role and want to manage it better; people who wonder if they should consider diet - they want to know how to decide; and those who think diet is not for them, or … [Read more...]
Amines in food that cause migraine
Amines are a group of chemicals that often cause reactions in food sensitive people with migraines. The interesting thing is that they can also aggravate chronic daily headaches, IBS [Irritable Bowel Syndrome], ADHD, and other symptoms. The amines that most often cause reactions include tyramine, phenyl ethyl amine, tryptamine, 5-hydroxyamine, histamine, and those which you would be right if you suspect they are increased as food spoils: putrascine and cadaverine. Is there one migraine diet? No. … [Read more...]