Question: Like others my, self-made Food-Diary showed a direct link between food and mood, and I have had the same reaction from the medical profession. 1990 to 2010 being told ‘Its all in your mind’ or ‘Your normal’ but only in the last 4 weeks of me getting angry with Dr’s has anyone done anything and have recently started an MAOI, which, in theory, may help. I have found the ideal solution is a total exclusion diet for 48-72 hrs, but as this isn’t practical I have to eat and put up with the … [Read more...]
Q & A about the effects of Tyramine on the digestive and the nervous system ?
Question (remember, if you wish to comment on this post please do so by clicking 'comment' at the bottom of the page) Good evening. First of all I wanted to thank you, I found your book on food sensitivity very helpful. It is very well written and helped me understand many things about food and digestion. Second of all, I thought you might know something about Tyramine. I have seen several doctors and none of them had even heard of such thing as Hypersensitivity to Tyramine, so I did my own … [Read more...]