In a recent radio program a family talked about the quality of flavour of sheep’s cheese made when the animals are eating only dry grass. This flavour is better than that in spring when a variety of plants contribute to the flavours. The family had worked in the wine industry so were aware of the importance of flavour.
What is interesting to people who have reactions to wine and cheese is that their likelihood of a reaction is related to the quality of the flavour, with each person judging what they suspect of causing a reaction. I have spent over 30 years listening to my patients test foods for tolerance. Wines that smell and taste better to a food sensitive person will be better tolerated. And the same goes for cheeses, with mild good quality cheeses much better tolerated than strong or poor quality flavours.
What is very interesting is that the old timers used to say that spring lamb was much more likely to cause gut discomfort than summer lamb.
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