Underarm body odour research provides names for some of the smells in underarm aromas. “There’s fishy, oniony, faecal, sour, even a bit floral, boar-like animal odour, cannabis-like as well as sulphurous” are smells named by a Belgian microbiologist Dr Christopher Callewaert. He has found that Staphylococcus epidermis is associated with pleasant or inoffensive smells, and a different Corynebacterum bug turns the output of the armpit’s sweat glands into volatile, that is smelly, compounds. He does mention several lifestyle triggers that may cause the bugs to flourish. Those he reported include beginning a new course of medication, changes in eating habits, moving to a new place or wearing certain clothes that have their own bug community. He also implicated hormone changes. It is good to keep up-to-date with any research into any food-sensitivity symptom as we should use any idea that makes food-sensitivity problems less interfering in your life.
As a microbiologist he is working with industry to produce a probiotic deodorant. We know that there is a bigger picture with regard to body smells that bother people. In those who are susceptible to food reactions food is the main trigger, and that it is just good or bad luck whether different food-sensitive people have bad underarm odour, bad urine, or poo odour, bad wind odour, or bad breath. We now know it can be “smell in smell out” for these food sensitive people. The more flavoursome your diet from herbs, spices, acidic fruit, artificial flavoured sweets and drinks, rich food and MSG, the more problem you are likely to have, wherever you are unlucky enough to have, your bothersome odour.
You can go to the article on bad breath to read much more about smells and food-sensitive people! See https://foodintolerancepro.com/bad-breath-distressing/
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