You may be teased if you want more or less covering than others. But having a body that changes quickly with even a small change in temperature can mean you feel the distress of being overheated, or feel far too cold. People often do no believe you can have your driving experience upset by air flow that is no bother to them. Or you notice a draught of air from a window open at night that others insist is closed. If your child is temperature sensitive you will learn to carry more clothes when the … [Read more...]
High blood pressure caused by food
QuestionI have been having a lot of problems in the last 4 years. I can’t eat lemons or any citrus. I stay away from fruit. I can’t eat olives, tomatoes, as of late. I’ve cut out night shades completely. Peppers have been know to shoot the bp up. I had to call an ambulance about 2 weeks ago as I finished dinner and my bp started to go up. Face and chest were bright red. I ran to the phone and call an ambulance. Took 2 benedryl and waited for the ambulance. My bp was 224 over 114. I thought I … [Read more...]
Sleep problems can be important symptoms
One lady wrote: “I have had chronic insomnia for 30+ years which has worsened in the last 12-18 months. I have found a clear link between certain foods and drinks containing preservatives and being awake till 5 am in the morning. I discovered a dietitian who helped me with a low chemical elimination diet and food challenges. I am finding that salicylates also have a significant effect. I have been amazed at how my sleep has improved, for the first time in 30 years. I am very interested in this … [Read more...]
Underarm odour being researched
Underarm body odour research provides names for some of the smells in underarm aromas. “There’s fishy, oniony, faecal, sour, even a bit floral, boar-like animal odour, cannabis-like as well as sulphurous” are smells named by a Belgian microbiologist Dr Christopher Callewaert. He has found that Staphylococcus epidermis is associated with pleasant or inoffensive smells, and a different Corynebacterum bug turns the output of the armpit’s sweat glands into volatile, that is smelly, compounds. He … [Read more...]
Atrial fibrillation, fermented foods, tyramine reaction
Here is Len’s story of his very unusual reaction: My tyramine symptoms came on me right out of the blue. I am a 68 yr old male and the last 2 years I suffered with gastritis and stomach ulcers brought on by taking aspirin..which is supposed to doctor recommended. To deal with the ulcers the physicians wanted me on PPI but after suffering side effects for one week from the medication plus reading up on long term side effects I decided to punt the pills and address the problem through diet. … [Read more...]
Nausea in food sensitive people is a mystery as it often seems to come for a while and go away for a while for no reason that is related to other symptoms or a food you may feel is a cause. It is important as means you do not feel well. It happens most in those with IBS. People describe “feeling off”, feeling “bad” or feeling like having a rest and hoping to get some sleep and wake with it gone away. In some it may be connected to motion sickness which makes it worse. It affects your appetite as … [Read more...]
High BP with perfumes
Each food-sensitive person is unusual, but some are very unusual! Shalu’s blood pressure rises with exposure to perfumes! She writes “So it's not me alone, who is battling this blood pressure problem. Doctors say it's just your stress which raises BP suddenly. But having BP of 118/70 with medicines, and spiking to level 190/100, only because of perfumes, and odour sensitivity is my problem. I got this problem after having my baby. Strange!!! I never had any allergy.” My comment: No Shula, … [Read more...]