Kate sent a comment: Peanuts (and all nuts) are high in amines when roasted, so it makes sense for an amine sensitive people to react to them. You may be able to tolerate raw peanuts (try them boiled!) if you can tolerate salicylates. But raw nuts, especially peanuts, can be hard to find. My reply: Dear Kate, Yes, amines change with roasting. It may also depend on the amount of roasting so you can test different brands. The amazing thing about amines is that individuals vary in just which they react to. One person may report getting away with home-made gravy where fresh meat is not too browned, and bananas that are not too ripe, but have symptoms after chocolate or aged meat. As you wisely note many people who react to amines are also sensitive to salicylates and most additives and MSG and other glutamates. So it is wise to start from the Low Chemical diet and then carefully test the foods you most want to manage. And the dose matters. A sip of a good red wine can be quite a pleasure. Use the helpful hints in Tolerating Troublesome Foods on this site to carefully test over 300 foods so you have the maximum chance of tolerating them.
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