Joan Breakey M AppSc BSc DNFS Cert Diet TTTC. APD [Accredited Practicing Dietitian] My experience of work in the area of Diet and ADHD now spans 35 years. Work began in 1975 in Queensland, after Feingold’s Hypothesis in the US First group closely followed - 75 families – reported in Australian Family Physician 1978. I also followed up diet use in self help groups, attending meetings and discussion groups for over 20 years, meeting or hearing from many families allowing … [Read more...]
FODMAPS not the whole story
When you have tummy bloating, wind, looseness and discomfort, even pain, it can be very distressing. You will have had medical care to make sure there is nothing very worrying needing further treatment. People with these symptoms often have IBS – irritable bowel syndrome. IBS can interfere greatly in how you run your life. You may be worried about being out of your house for extended time, or realise that whenever you eat out you often seem to have gut problems as a result. FODMAPS is the … [Read more...]
Development of thinking in food chemical intolerance
Development of thinking in food chemical intolerance – 1975 to 2005 Joan Breakey Presentation to the Dietitians Association of Australia 2006 Many people think that the role of additives and other food chemicals in conditions such as hyperactivity is confusing. This is reasonable as the claims, the research, and information available have all changed over time. Clear proof of a link between diet and attention deficit disorder [ADHD] was a long time coming, and not neat and tidy, … [Read more...]
Fussy babies – practical advice on Introduction of Solids, Eating Development and Food Sensitivity
Fussy babies - practical advice on Introduction of Solids, Eating Development and Food Sensitivity for mothers and health professionals By Joan Breakey Provides a great insight for mother and a fantastic resource for dietians and other health professionals, particularly dietitians. Available on line at Easter 2010 Why it is useful for professionals: Chapter 1 - When introduction of solids gets complicated This chapter gives a useful overview of introduction of solids … [Read more...]