The Feingold Diet – a 2021 update
If you look on the internet you will see that the kids whose behaviour and hyperactivity improve on the Feingold diet are those where there is some connection with their genes. This is great news as it recognises that the diet does work for some kids, and that where improvement happens it is connected to some factor in their family. In 2010, an FDA panel released a report based on many studies of the Feingold diet. The report found that artificial food colours, flavours, or preservatives … [Read more...]
Why ovarian cancer can be missed in IBS patients
It is hard to find ovarian cancer for diagnosis anyway but even more with IBS, and even more again with food-sensitive people with IBS. You may be someone with constipation and IBS, or have looseness all the time. Following are some notes on changes that happen, particularly as age increases:- You can have other symptoms needing attention: Frequent bladder infections with the discomfort and pain, then being on antibiotics which also change how you feel and how your gut functions. You … [Read more...]
IBS pain question from Louise
I am on a salicylate free diet but now also have IBS. I have been consuming a great deal of low salicylate fruit and veggies but these have has greatly increased my IBS with severe bloating pain discomfort. So what do I do? I am desperate! Can you advise me? I have severe reactions to amines and salicylates with mouth ulcers, violent sickness and cracked lips. Dear Louise,Having a IBS at the same time as the Low Chemical diet is the worst combination!! But you are not alone and I have been … [Read more...]
Why you don’t feel understood!
Why after all these years is the role of diet in your symptoms still controversial? I wrote this article nearly 30 years ago when ADHD was the most noticed symptom, but all the other food sensitive symptoms were responding to diet in many people. You can decide if much has changed since then! There is still strong emotion surrounding the issue of diet and ADHD, ASD and all other symptoms. The following ideas show how the range of thinking with regard to: the doctors, dietitians, … [Read more...]
How do we know the diet is right now?
I first heard of the low salicylate diet as the Feingold Diet in 1975. It was summarised in a journal piece about 10cm by 10 cm! Feingold had used the low salicylate diet that was used by Dermatologists for urticaria rashes. Do contact me if you are interested in all the early research articles which I carefully collected and would love all that information to be held by someone who is particularly interested in how the thinking changed over time. I would be happy to provide it to someone whose … [Read more...]
Which diet option is right for you?
It can feel overwhelming when trying to decide which diet is right for you to really start with the best diet for you. You can decide how strict how you want to go depending you how distressing your symptoms are. It is not about whether some food is allowed or not allowed according to some list, but on your family sensitivity history and your motivation which comes from your symptoms. In Your Diet for Your IBS my knowledgeable co-author Ashleigh Jones and I have provided various diet … [Read more...]