Question: Hi. My daughter is almost 5 years old and only very recently have I become aware of the term "super taster." It describes my daughter exactly. Since birth she eats very little and is super picky mostly due to an oversensitivity to texture and smell. I don't think it is a healthy idea to stay away from those foods because it would really limit her intake for the future. Is there any literature you can recommend on how to break the habits or sensitivities of a super … [Read more...]
Introducing foods to a food sensitive baby
Question: Can you give me some advice on introducing solids to my baby. She is 20 weeks old, breastfed, and has silent reflux. I commenced an elimination diet as I was convinced he also had an allergy/intolerance to something in my diet. I reduced my diet to lamb, turkey, zucchini, squash, potato, sweet potato, brown rice and rice products (rice milk, rice cakes, etc). I would really appreciate if could get some advice from you regarding introducing foods back into my diet. I have … [Read more...]
Question from Kelly
Question: I’ve found this site really interesting. I think I have a tyramine sensitivity, but I have never met anyone with the exact symptoms as me. After eating something high in Tyramines, I wake up in a confused state from sleeping. I am panicked, my heart is racing and it takes about 5-10 minutes for me to get back to reality. I’ve worked out that figs, aubergines, over ripe bananas, gravy powder are dangerous for me, and I am still learning what else is. It is very frightening waking up in … [Read more...]
Infant Feeding –allergies, intolerances: the evidence
The aim of this workshop was : To give you a treatment pathway that enables you to practice with confidence. How do we do this with current evidence available? Research Evidence + Clinical Practice = Better Practice Separating the black & white from the grey Download the Infant Feeding workshop (PDF, 1.2 MB) Presented at DAA conference May 2011 by Joan Breakey Specialist Food Sensitivity Dietitian … [Read more...]
ADHD controversy
Why, after 30 years, is diet and ADHD still controversial? The blind men and the elephant a verse by John Godfrey Saxe There was six men of Hindostan, To learning much inclined Who went to see the elephant, (Though all of them were blind); That each by observation Might satisfy his mind. This old verse is an apt one for this discussion as it reminds us that when viewing anything it is important not to have limited vision. Why is the controversy about diet and ADHD still relevant … [Read more...]
Reflux Reality: a guide for families
Book review - REFLUX REALITY A GUIDE FOR FAMILIES by Glenda Branch in Association with the Reflux Infants Support Association (RISA) Reflux in an infant is a surprise when it happens. Usually it is an unpleasant, even overwhelming, surprise. Very few of us expect our baby to have reflux. So dealing with it is not part of normal skills or information everybody has. So putting much of the information in one book is a blessing for those who have to go through a rapid learning curve, either … [Read more...]
Diet for IBS pain in irritable bowel syndrome
Diet for IBS pain in irritable bowel syndrome Diet does not help all people suffering with IBS pain – however, when it is playing a role its effect can be profound. People report it helping with a variety of uncomfortable symptoms including stomach pain after eating, gurgling stomach, bloating, wind, cramping bowel pain, constipation symptoms, looseness and colon pain. It can help where symptoms look like lactose intolerance symptoms in IBS. Because the IBS diet it is not the same for every … [Read more...]